Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Australia passes plain-packaging cigarette law

Australia is to become the first country to enforce the plain packaging of cigarettes but tobacco companies have vowed to fight the new legislation in court.
Marlboro Plain Pack

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Phone Text messages Used as Smoking Cessation tool

Text messages could become a vital smoking cessation tool, research carried out by multiple US universities has indicated. Because cell phones are now such a regular feature of our everyday lives –and because many people possess phone deals that give them unlimited text messaging – the researchers argue that text messages can be used as a cheap and convenient method of amassing data about Doina smoking habits.

They say that by encouraging smokers to send a few texts each day which detail their smoking behaviours, health experts can help to monitor and assess the frequency of patients’ cigarette smoking sessions.

Cigarette Consumption Down in Turkey

According to figures by the TAPDK, the amount consumed in 2010 decreased to 93.5 billion Winston cigarettes and the figure was 107.5 billion in 2009.

Consumption of cigarettes decreased by 15 percent in 2010 compared to 2009 in Turkey.

Changes Made to Golden Valley Tobacco Licensing Ordinance

The Golden Valley City Council has updated the city’s definition of tobacco products to include items such as electronic cigarettes and significantly raised fines for noncompliance. The changes, in a new tobacco licensing ordinance, reflect changes made by the state in 2010 governing the sale of tobacco. “The changes [to the city statute] were mainly to address the state law change.” Councilmember Mike Frieberg said. “It’s good we’re updating the ordinance to match modern reality.”